libp2p-bitswap 0.10.0

Implementation of the ipfs bitswap protocol.


Implementation of the bitswap protocol.

Efficiently syncing dags of blocks

Bitswap is a very simple protocol. It was adapted and simplified for ipfs-embed. The message format can be represented by the following enums.

pub enum BitswapRequest {

pub enum BitswapResponse {

The mechanism for locating providers can be abstracted. A dht can be plugged in or a centralized db query. The bitswap api looks as follows:

pub enum Query {

pub enum BitswapEvent {
    QueryComplete(Query, Result<()>),

impl Bitswap {
    pub fn add_address(&mut self, peer_id: &PeerId, addr: Multiaddr) { .. }
    pub fn get(&mut self, cid: Cid) { .. }
    pub fn cancel_get(&mut self, cid: Cid) { .. }
    pub fn add_provider(&mut self, cid: Cid, peer_id: PeerId) { .. }
    pub fn complete_get_providers(&mut self, cid: Cid) { .. }
    pub fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> BitswapEvent { .. }

So what happens when you create a get request? First all the providers in the initial set are queried with the have request. As an optimization, in every batch of queries a block request is sent instead. If the get query finds a block it returns a query complete. If the block wasn't found in the initial set, a GetProviders(Cid) event is emitted. This is where the bitswap consumer tries to locate providers by for example performing a dht lookup. These providers are registered by calling the add_provider method. After the locating of providers completes, it is signaled by calling complete_get_providers. The query manager then performs bitswap requests using the new provider set which results in the block being found or a block not found error.

Often we want to sync an entire dag of blocks. We can efficiently sync dags of blocks by adding a sync query that runs get queries in parallel for all the references of a block. The set of providers that had a block is used as the initial set in a reference query. For this we extend our api with the following calls.

/// Bitswap sync trait for customizing the syncing behaviour.
pub trait BitswapSync {
    /// Returns the list of blocks that need to be synced.
    fn references(&self, cid: &Cid) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Cid>>;
    /// Returns if a cid needs to be synced.
    fn contains(&self, cid: &Cid) -> bool;

impl Bitswap {
    pub fn sync(&mut self, cid: Cid, syncer: Arc<dyn BitswapSync>) { .. }
    pub fn cancel_sync(&mut self, cid: Cid) { .. }


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